Posted by on June 16, 2008

Nobody seems to understand, though it is a simple fact,
It seems they believe you’re a party to this daily pact,
Going it appears, into nothingness at the hint of dawn,
Happy that the sun is breaking out on another morn.

They know not, that you neither come nor go,
For, aren’t you the companion they don’t know,
Although always around, they never observe you stay,
Likely too busy to notice being abandoned by the day.

Left to yourself, you wouldn’t even talk of the day,
So I decide to let you for this once, have your say,
Everytime I think of my meeting with you tonight,
Visible yet shrouded, the possibilities taunt my sight.

Every dialogue in our conversation remains etched on my mind,
Realistic, believable, unlike the path to you that I had to find,
The yearning was probably what made every step seem new,
Directing me through an unfamiliarity I thought was you.

All the while thinking of questioning a reputation you deserved,
Yet, upon seeing you, my speech suddenly becomes reserved,
Ever expecting the ordinary, I stumble upon your surprise,
Vacant in expression, I could scarcely believe my eyes.

Each time you reluctantly reveal to this world your heart,
Reaffirmedly they wait, for morning, to see you depart,
Yielding your identity, for those that condemn you,
Never once bothered, that the same ones despise you.

I now understand how it must feel, to be hated for the light,
Glad though, that I made an everlasting friendship tonight,
Happily in the company of your blindness I shall soak,
Till I find truth, the one hidden beneath your cloak.

This ones is dedicated to two Beacons, Chint2(for the content-inspiration based on his poem Talk to Darkness which affected my life in a way I cannot even describe[the kind of stuff that should be made compulsory reading]) and Meghna(for her acrostic poem ‘Nightfalls‘ that was so simple and sweet, that it made me revisit the times when I used to write simple little poems in school).

This one describes my “one night with the night”, but being a very abstract one, you will find multiple points of reference for it, the night as a person, as a state of day, as a manner of living, as an object of fear, etc. What made the most impact on me was the way I thought about night previously, and the way I do about it now, such a contrast, and I guess I have ‘the day’ to thank for such a drastic change in outlook.

For those who have been wondering where I have vanished, musst confess, the writing never stopped, only the posting did, so get ready for a small deluge(couldn’t post what I had written due to many consistent technical and other glitches).


  1. meghnak
    June 17, 2008

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    That was so sweet of you…I’m really fascinated..never in my mind do I think I can reach your standard but I’ll try hard, I promise 😀

  2. guptaghost
    June 17, 2008

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    its actually sweet of you. and i might sound jealous, but i really dont want you to reach my standard(or whatever that means). because i have seen the grass from the other side.

    my head is now spoiled, its got too complicated, too rational. but you still have that simplicity in you.

    there was a time when i began writing and used to write simple things about simple topics on the simple manner in which the simplest of things touched me. during those times, i used to read those poems in the textbook and wonder and wish i could write like them. but now that i write so, i always miss my good old poems of those school days.

    but that simplicity will never come back. nor will that limited, rosy outlook about everything. now everything is only cynical and dismal. so keep going, write thousands more of such beautiful simple stuff.

    Blabbering all of this has inspired to write another one titled ‘Aspirations’. Hope it comes out soon.

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