

Aug. 24, 2012 by

There was so much of myself I knew, I had, to be so proud, So much about my tremendous control, that needn’t be told aloud, I really believed, all I had to do, was firmly decide, and will it, And

Knock Knock

Knock Knock

Aug. 9, 2012 by

It took a long time to realise this is where I should really be, And I know there’s no reason to believe the one outside is me, If today is the day you’ll open, there’s just no way of knowing,



May. 3, 2012 by

I still don’t want to believe it has already been ten years, Maybe because it is so much easier to recount the tears, The days, months, years just dissolved, I gave time no value, Thinking, why would I need a



May. 2, 2012 by

The things that keep us together, are the ones keeping us apart, And the things keeping us apart, are the strings tying each other’s heart, Even two rooms with a common wall, are separated by a door, When opened, it

I Do

I Do

Apr. 3, 2012 by

The eyes are moist, but I know they do not for anything weep, Just that, imprinted images are the hardest memories to keep, You let them flow away believing there will be something new, But there isn’t anything new, you