Lake Infinity

Lake Infinity

Dec. 9, 2010 by

Just when I was almost pleased at seeing the first rays of dawn, I was dejected, that they weren’t looking for my lawn, It seemed everyone took pleasure in provoking me into delight, And then reminding me, there was no



Dec. 3, 2010 by

Ever wondered as to why we maintain so many faces, As if in contingency to the day’s innumerable phases, The only thing we are saved, is from physically changing the mask, But that does not make it any simpler a



Aug. 3, 2010 by

Like old time chums who must bet on every game, We know that for us, the game isn’t just a game, We even go to the stadiums, faces painted like raving fans, But at the end, all that remains is

Girl in the Mirror

Girl in the Mirror

May. 31, 2010 by

Puffing and panting towards the auto, I manage to get the front seat, And wipe from my forehead, the sweat that’s flowing for the heat, I look into the mirror scratching my sweaty itching beard, That was when all of



Mar. 19, 2008 by

Pushing my bag underneath, I climbed onto my berth, Crawling slowly, I dusted it for what it was worth, Stretching my legs, I turned around to have a look, Nothing out of the ordinary, so I got back to the