

Jun. 21, 2011 by

Every time I am asked, why the truth has me enslaved, It reminds me of my freedom, that darkness has depraved, So I tell them, “the truth has, and seeks, no control of me”, “The truth is not about control,

Shadows of the Earth

Shadows of the Earth

Feb. 28, 2010 by

Tall be the oaks, that tower above the forest, Broad be the oaks, that stretch east to west, Extensive, encompassive, everything below, they shield, Protective, predatory, not a ray of sunlight they yield. There was a time when each was



Jun. 18, 2008 by

Few people know, that fearlessness, is what comes at the end, That’s because very few of them have gone around the bend, They haven’t yet known a height from which they can never descend, Never been in a position from