

Oct. 25, 2011 by

Sometimes, however angry at you, the world might seem, You need to understand, it is just a way of letting off steam, Although snapping back might relieve the pressure causing the flow, You might agree, that it is easier to

Sleeping Buds

Sleeping Buds

Jun. 21, 2010 by

Looking around at their cousins taking in the sun, Life for flora was definitely a whole lot of fun, All they had to do, was bide their today as a bud, And tomorrow would show the magic that grew from



Feb. 6, 2010 by

For that moment, I really believed everything fell silent, Or maybe, the engrossing moment made my ears feel absent, Because, once the spell broke, the world echoed with its sound, As if in celebration, of this fantasy that came to

Sad Cypress

Sad Cypress

May. 8, 2008 by

A few years ago, they took me away, cuffed and chained, Only doing their duty, they knew not how much it pained, Days, weeks, months I have sat, staring at the bars, Awaiting the day to fly and converse with

Cinderella Man

Cinderella Man

Nov. 27, 2007 by

You are struck by one, and then another, blow, Perhaps a result of lettings things to go slow, In retort, in return, a harder punch you try to throw, Feeling it sailing across, you begin to get back the flow.