

Jun. 21, 2012 by

I look for things more often, when they are ones I cannot see, I know they were, because they are so clear in my mind, And once visible, my mind refuses to merely let them be, It pushes me to



Feb. 6, 2010 by

For that moment, I really believed everything fell silent, Or maybe, the engrossing moment made my ears feel absent, Because, once the spell broke, the world echoed with its sound, As if in celebration, of this fantasy that came to

Leaving Atlantis

Leaving Atlantis

Jan. 17, 2008 by

To walk away from there, you never let anybody even suggest, The very thought, there was nothing you did more strongly detest, So when the day finally came, you wished it was all a test, And kept hoping everything worked



Oct. 10, 2007 by

To build up the house, card by painstaking card, To prop it up often with every card you can discard, And watch your budding smile come to a freeze, When the house is toppled by the slightest breeze. The cards