Call Me Butcher

Call Me Butcher

Jun. 2, 2017 by

When outstretched hands reach out for your support, And you routinely ignore them like another status report, If your arms cannot reach to those hanging by strands, Maybe you should consider chop chop chopping your hands. When tired legs try



Apr. 27, 2012 by

When you are faced with odds of insurmountable strength, It is all right, to not see the mission through to its full length, Will you forgo the applause, just to pull down the curtain, Or push forward until the goal



Apr. 18, 2012 by

There are those that trust light, because it has a beginning, And others still who fear it not, because it has an ending, But darkness is another matter, for, it begins nowhere, And even in the midst of light, is



Apr. 27, 2010 by

You created the sun, to enlighten me, enable me to see, And I created a candle, to bring light toward thee, To live on, and spread your message, you gave me the earth, I marked a portion on it, and



Mar. 20, 2010 by

God is not in the sunshine that lights up every morning, He is the very vision that lets you see it dawning, God is in the finger that wipes every tear, Knowing that your fears, only the soul can hear.