Princess of Light

Princess of Light

Feb. 7, 2010 by

The deepest black always begins as the lightest gray, Yielding a little every time nights prowls around for prey, With every changing shade, you wonder if gain is really a sacrifice, Like losing a single brick, in an already crumbling



Jun. 16, 2008 by

Nobody seems to understand, though it is a simple fact, It seems they believe you’re a party to this daily pact, Going it appears, into nothingness at the hint of dawn, Happy that the sun is breaking out on another



Jan. 23, 2008 by

When the day grows tired, and decides to leave, The night is more than ready to help relieve, The ending was too simple, just like any other, For, each of their lives, were shortened by the other. Every day was



Nov. 24, 2007 by

They couldn’t resolve it during the day, their plight, And so it was that they parted ways one night, Try as they did, they couldn’t let each other out of sight, But forced they were, to get as far away