

Nov. 24, 2007 by

Every dream needs a sacrifice to begin, And every sacrifice needs an objective to win, But is not every dream a sacrifice in itself, Does it not relinquish its life to fulfill itself. And every sacrifice is but a dream,



Oct. 30, 2007 by

When the words come to an end, there is no sentence left, When the memories come to an end, there is no thought left, When the feelings come to an end, there is no emotion left, When this love comes

Mortal Angel

Mortal Angel

Oct. 28, 2007 by

If such things were true, an angel’s life should be a fairytale, But you don’t find them more different than this one’s tale, Like those winged-one, you don’t see her fly away, And you begin to really believe she is



Oct. 28, 2007 by

She is gone before your eyes can even blink, And yet she is the only thought you can think, You stumble upon everything, already in a trance, And become yet another slave of her glance. Every time you look around,



Oct. 10, 2007 by

To build up the house, card by painstaking card, To prop it up often with every card you can discard, And watch your budding smile come to a freeze, When the house is toppled by the slightest breeze. The cards