

Nov. 30, 2012 by

Before I knew you, the rivers and streams did not cease to flow, And because you weren’t yet born, neither did the wind forget to blow, When you left, the mountains too didn’t follow, and walk away, And because you

I Do

I Do

Apr. 3, 2012 by

The eyes are moist, but I know they do not for anything weep, Just that, imprinted images are the hardest memories to keep, You let them flow away believing there will be something new, But there isn’t anything new, you

Walk Back

Walk Back

Aug. 12, 2010 by

When you get another of those envious stares, From solitarily climbing the endless stairs, And you understand, why sharing makes the burden more light, That is when you feel, you shouldn’t have let me out of sight. When you break