Until Tomorrow

Until Tomorrow

Mar. 13, 2012 by

Ever since I learned to walk, I’ve always been on solid ground, There’s always been land, land, and more land, everywhere I look around, It is not an observation that most people like to call profound, But look beneath those



Jun. 28, 2009 by

The horizon is far, but the sky is even farther, The euphoria is overflowing, but control is not worth the bother, The travails of this effort exhaust, but show now, as much as a sigh, For, is not fatigue indistinguishable,



Mar. 20, 2008 by

It is already late, but the night is still young, But my mind can’t go on, already high-strung, When the words begin to find the dawn, the day, I know that tonight, sleep has found its way. The morning brings

Pray For Me Brother

Pray For Me Brother

Apr. 28, 2007 by

You have always been busy, with your everyday life, To earn and provide, for your children and wife, To go up the ladder, whence you can provide even more, But how much do you need, how much can you store.