Strangers Again

Strangers Again

Feb. 6, 2010 by

Not long after monsoon bid its last droplet goodbye, Uninvited, unexpectedly, you happened to come by, Looking out for someone, who definitely wasn’t me, Politely reminding me, to not bother, just let you be. But time is a trickster, so



Jun. 27, 2008 by

For a second, all seems quiet in this primeval forest, But only a second, silence is something they all detest, Each to itself, noise is their only music, their only protest, For, asking for understanding, is too formidable a request.

November Rain

November Rain

Dec. 22, 2007 by

Such a shower, would normally seem out of season, But he had long since stopped searching for reason, He knew not when he lost it, cared not if it lost him, A lot more important things had already left him.

The Spotless Mind

The Spotless Mind

Dec. 21, 2007 by

Pretending it wasn’t over, was not going to be much use, For, to feign forgetfulness, was not his cleverest ruse, The floods had stopped, but the wreckage remained, And everything around him, had forever been stained. Over time, even the