Girl in the Mirror

Girl in the Mirror

May. 31, 2010 by

Puffing and panting towards the auto, I manage to get the front seat, And wipe from my forehead, the sweat that’s flowing for the heat, I look into the mirror scratching my sweaty itching beard, That was when all of



Nov. 24, 2007 by

They couldn’t resolve it during the day, their plight, And so it was that they parted ways one night, Try as they did, they couldn’t let each other out of sight, But forced they were, to get as far away



Sep. 28, 2007 by

Swaying in consonance with an ebullient breeze, She shakes off its advances, with a careworn ease, Ruffling her petals, as she hung onto a slender stalk, Proclaiming gustily that it isn’t only humans who stalk. She stands up, and walks