

Aug. 31, 2012 by

Unlike the leaves of autumn, that see fit, to fall in only one season, Very unlike the swinging moods of winter, that shift for no reason, Not at all like the hunger of summer, that doesn’t spare even the moon,

Is There

Is There

Dec. 11, 2010 by

Not to throw, whatever we can against the wall, Not to mouth, every profanity we can quickly recall, Not to vent out, pent up frustration into the community, Anger is there, to test our affinity for serenity. Not to cover

Yes & No

Yes & No

Aug. 22, 2010 by

It is surprising how two little words can play with your life, Like frozen butter being teased by a serrated knife, They hang on at the tip of a person’s tongue, And then vanish like the tune of a paean

Mortal Angel

Mortal Angel

Oct. 28, 2007 by

If such things were true, an angel’s life should be a fairytale, But you don’t find them more different than this one’s tale, Like those winged-one, you don’t see her fly away, And you begin to really believe she is