

Oct. 25, 2011 by

Sometimes, however angry at you, the world might seem, You need to understand, it is just a way of letting off steam, Although snapping back might relieve the pressure causing the flow, You might agree, that it is easier to

Palace Lights

Palace Lights

Aug. 1, 2010 by

The darkness of the world snuffs the last of the lights out, If only for half a day, the night has considerable clout, But the night is merely a stage for my insecurities to play, A backdrop so tempting, that



Jun. 18, 2008 by

Few people know, that fearlessness, is what comes at the end, That’s because very few of them have gone around the bend, They haven’t yet known a height from which they can never descend, Never been in a position from



Oct. 10, 2007 by

To build up the house, card by painstaking card, To prop it up often with every card you can discard, And watch your budding smile come to a freeze, When the house is toppled by the slightest breeze. The cards